AUGUST 2, 2024
Twenty language learners and two language teachers were recently honored at the Honoring Our Language & Honoring Tashunga Saba celebration on August 2, 2024. These learners completed two years of study of nakona?abi (Assiniboine language), with the assistance of two dedicated language teachers from Fort Belknap who worked with the NAK 100 Fort Belknap 2024 cohort. Congratulations to all those recognized for their hard work and dedication to continuing our heritage language.
Language acquisition is not a simple feat. Our language is a highly organized way of communicating. Nakona University offers courses to learn the Assiniboine language. Graduates of the Ği band has completed 2 years of study, which included classes: NAK 100, NAK 101, NAK 102, and NAK 103. Recent graduates were honored with a braid of wachāğa (sweet grass), a certificate of completion, and a winchaxbi owīzha (starquilt). Nakona University honors our late wunspewichakiya (teacher), Tashunga Saba (Dr. Kenneth Ryan).
Meet Our Graduates
Meet Our Teachers
Nakona University is grateful for those who share their knowledge.
wopina tanga